Hashes are commonly offered by download pages for you to verify the integrity of your downloaded files. I typically verify these hashes using OpenSSL which supports many types of hashing algorithms and is available on many unix-like systems (and can often be installed on them easily enough if it is not yet present).
The basic method for verification works as follows: after downloading a file enter the command openssl {hashalgorithm} {/path/to/downloaded.file}
to calculate a hash based on the file’s contents. If the hash shown matches the hash on the download page the file is as intended.
To see the list of algorithms that are supported by the openssl command you can enter the command openssl help
like shown below:
➜ openssl help
Standard commands
asn1parse ca ciphers cms
crl crl2pkcs7 dgst dhparam
dsa dsaparam ec ecparam
enc engine errstr gendsa
genpkey genrsa help list
nseq ocsp passwd pkcs12
pkcs7 pkcs8 pkey pkeyparam
pkeyutl prime rand rehash
req rsa rsautl s_client
s_server s_time sess_id smime
speed spkac srp storeutl
ts verify version x509
Message Digest commands (see the `dgst' command for more details)
blake2b512 blake2s256 gost md4
md5 rmd160 sha1 sha224
sha256 sha3-224 sha3-256 sha3-384
sha3-512 sha384 sha512 sha512-224
sha512-256 shake128 shake256 sm3
Cipher commands (see the `enc' command for more details)
aes-128-cbc aes-128-ecb aes-192-cbc aes-192-ecb
aes-256-cbc aes-256-ecb aria-128-cbc aria-128-cfb
aria-128-cfb1 aria-128-cfb8 aria-128-ctr aria-128-ecb
aria-128-ofb aria-192-cbc aria-192-cfb aria-192-cfb1
aria-192-cfb8 aria-192-ctr aria-192-ecb aria-192-ofb
aria-256-cbc aria-256-cfb aria-256-cfb1 aria-256-cfb8
aria-256-ctr aria-256-ecb aria-256-ofb base64
bf bf-cbc bf-cfb bf-ecb
bf-ofb camellia-128-cbc camellia-128-ecb camellia-192-cbc
camellia-192-ecb camellia-256-cbc camellia-256-ecb cast
cast-cbc cast5-cbc cast5-cfb cast5-ecb
cast5-ofb des des-cbc des-cfb
des-ecb des-ede des-ede-cbc des-ede-cfb
des-ede-ofb des-ede3 des-ede3-cbc des-ede3-cfb
des-ede3-ofb des-ofb des3 desx
rc2 rc2-40-cbc rc2-64-cbc rc2-cbc
rc2-cfb rc2-ecb rc2-ofb rc4
rc4-40 seed seed-cbc seed-cfb
seed-ecb seed-ofb sm4-cbc sm4-cfb
sm4-ctr sm4-ecb sm4-ofb
When verifying a file with its hash you will have to look at the download page to see what hashing algorithm they used and compare it to the list under “Message Digest commands”. Note that the output on your system may differ depending on the OpenSSL version that is installed (so you may not have all of the above options).
An example
I’ll demonstrate this with SQLite. If you look at the SQLite downloads page you will see that they offer sha3 hashes for you to verify their downloads with. OpenSSL offers four type of sha3 hashing algorithms: sha3-224, sha3-256, sha3-384 and sha3-512. I downloaded the “Precompiled Binaries for Linux” and checked the download against all four of these:
➜ openssl sha3-224 sqlite-tools-linux-x86-3330000.zip
SHA3-224(sqlite-tools-linux-x86-3330000.zip)= 04ca86bb7906fbf8a17187310d65c692d5c4ce36eb2a7a1aeec86338
➜ openssl sha3-256 sqlite-tools-linux-x86-3330000.zip
SHA3-256(sqlite-tools-linux-x86-3330000.zip)= 2803a8edaa029d567cb01d472ddb86480ef4acc89ef6c6d4d85c6839dbb58cdb
➜ openssl sha3-384 sqlite-tools-linux-x86-3330000.zip
SHA3-384(sqlite-tools-linux-x86-3330000.zip)= 66a8bcdcb698e66a1ed278343d7db9c932b528705fe0264f6fc4c3d0c3015984c00f8a6ecbc9584f70e00d405be3a8d7
➜ openssl sha3-512 sqlite-tools-linux-x86-3330000.zip
SHA3-512(sqlite-tools-linux-x86-3330000.zip)= 3777e3d71b2b7917b861d192323fde24e84f440cf2a28853865d941f25e2237183db71057f2f485a9c9d2adf371e78575bad81d562f3e130b5ce38664dd22650
The long string next to the equals sign in each of the outputs is the hash, they are quite long and checking them by eye is kind of hard. One way to check if the hash from your file matches the webpage is to copy it to your clipboard, go to the browser page that shows the hash that you are verifying and paste it into the page search function and search for it. If the file matches the hash you will see it. I am using Firefox in the screenshot below with the result of sha3-256 (which is the hashing algorithm that was used on the SQLite website):

My preferred method however is to verify this directly in the shell, which you can do with something like the following:
➜ if [[ "$(openssl sha3-256 sqlite-tools-linux-x86-3330000.zip | awk '{print $NF}')" =~ "2803a8edaa029d567cb01d472ddb86480ef4acc89ef6c6d4d85c6839dbb58cdb" ]]; then; echo 'verified'; fi
The above will work in bash and zsh but also requires you to have awk (which is also commonly available on unix-like systems) next to OpenSSL. The above shell script checks the output of the command against the hash and echoes “verified” if the file’s hash matches the hash of on the right hand side of the comparison.
As a shell function
While the earlier shown bit of shell script works its not very convenient to type that all in every time you want to verify a download. You can however convert it into a reusable shell function like so:
function checkhash() {
if [[ "$(openssl $1 $2 | awk '{print $NF}')" =~ "$3" ]]; then
echo 'verified'
return 0
return 1
If you add the above function to your bash or zsh initialization file you can then verify your download like so:
➜ checkhash sha3-256 sqlite-tools-linux-x86-3330000.zip 2803a8edaa029d567cb01d472ddb86480ef4acc89ef6c6d4d85c6839dbb58cdb
An addition in the function (compared to the earlier shown ad hoc version) is that it now also gives a return value of 0 when verified or 1 when it fails, this means that you can check if the command succeeded before executing other commands like so:
➜ checkhash sha3-256 sqlite-tools-linux-x86-3330000.zip 2803a8edaa029d567cb01d472ddb86480ef4acc89ef6c6d4d85c6839dbb58cdb && echo 'it works'
it works
If you string commands together with && then each command after && will only get executed if the command before the && returned exit code 0 (which means it succeeded), this can be convenient if you want to script together a download with a verification and then an automated install or something of that sort.
In conclusion
And that’s all for this article. If you have feedback on this article or have questions based on its contents then feel free to reach out to me on Twitter or through e-mail.